Effective task prioritization is critical for successful project management. It involves determining which tasks should be addressed first based on two essential factors: urgency and impact. Urgency refers to how quickly a task needs to be completed to prevent negative consequences, while impact refers to how much a task will affect the project’s overall success once it is completed.

When prioritizing tasks, it’s important to consider both factors together. For instance, a task with high impact but low urgency could be prioritized over a task with low impact but high urgency. For example, fixing a critical bug in the software may have a high impact but not necessarily be urgent if there is a workaround. Conversely, implementing a new feature may have low impact but be urgent if it’s a requirement for a demo or customer deadline.


Urgency and Impact List

There are several techniques that can be used to prioritize tasks effectively, depending on the project’s needs and the team’s preferences. One technique is you can create a list of all the tasks that need to be completed and assign scores to each task based on its impact and urgency. A scale of 1-3 can be used, with 3 being the highest score for both impact and urgency. Once you have scored each task, sort them by their combined score, with the highest-scoring tasks at the top of the list. This list will help you identify the most critical tasks that need to be completed first and ensure that you are using your time and resources effectively. It’s important to note that these approaches weighs urgency and impact equally, but you can adjust the importance of each metric depending on your specific situation.

The Esinhower Matrix

Another technique is the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks based on their urgency and importance. We’ll leverage a matrix that is divided into four quadrants:

  1. tasks that are urgent and important
  2. tasks that are important but not urgent
  3. tasks that are urgent but not important
  4. tasks that are neither urgent nor important

By categorizing tasks into these quadrants, the Eisenhower Matrix helps individuals prioritize their work and focus on the most critical tasks first.

The MoSCoW Technique

A third technique is the MoSCoW technique. This technique bins each task into four categories:

  1. Must have: critical to the project’s success and must be completed.
  2. Should have: not critical and should be completed if time and resources permit.
  3. Could have: desirable but not necessary, and their completion depends on the availability of time and resources
  4. Won’t have: excluded from the project scope or deferred to a later phase.

This method helps project teams prioritize requirements and align their efforts with the project’s goals and objectives.


In conclusion, prioritizing tasks based on urgency and impact is crucial for successful project management. It helps ensure that the most important tasks are completed first and that resources are used effectively. Remember to regularly review and revist your technique as priorities and requirements change over time.