I’ve moved to storing my recipes in my Obsidian notes. To organize them a bit, I ensure that every recipe file starts with the prefix of recipe-
. This allows me to use the Dataview plugin, which lets you write SQL-like syntax, to query for each recipe. Using this query:
TABLE file.name as "Recipe Files", description as "Description"
WHERE startswith(file.name, "recipe-")
SORT file.name ASC
will render the results like this truncated image:
What’s neat is it can even query the “frontmatter” that you optionally put at the top of a markdown file. For example, one of my files recipe-andrea-ribs.md has this frontmatter:
Tags: [recipe]
Description: Andrea Sebastyan's coke rib recipe
Notice that the query above queries this with the description as "Description"
Overall, this approach can be used to write complex queries to fetch files throughout your Obsidian vault.