When writing software, we often need to handle various types of input arguments. To maximize flexibility and ease of use, I propose prioritizing the following methods for accepting arguments:

  1. Command-line arguments
  2. Environment variables
  3. Default hard-coded values

As we move down the list, the flexibility of defining these values decreases.

Command-line Arguments

Command-line arguments offer the highest level of flexibility and are the easiest for end users to provide. They can be specified directly at the terminal or included in scripts that call your program. This method is ideal for “on-the-fly” configurations, making it the most accessible for software engineers working with your software in real-time.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are excellent for configuring how software should behave in different environments. They allow for a high degree of customization without modifying the codebase. You can define multiple environments with distinct variables and switch between them as needed. This method is particularly useful for managing different deployment stages (e.g., development, staging, production).

Default Hard-coded Values

Default hard-coded values should be used as a last resort. They are the least flexible because changing them typically requires a code modification, code review, and redeployment. While defaults can provide sensible fallback values, over-reliance on them can lead to rigid and less maintainable code. Conclusion


In summary, your software should be adaptable, and adhering to this hierarchy of argument preference enhances flexibility. By prioritizing command-line arguments, followed by environment variables, and finally default hard-coded values, you can create more user-friendly and maintainable software.